The Greek Fur Institute was created with the main purpose to promote the Greek fur industry and defending the interests of Greek furriers artisans of the region of Kastoria and Siatistas . In furtherance of the industry undertakes to inform the general public about the Greek fur industry , raise the entire industry and to contribute to the international recognition of the industry as the best in the world in the production of finished fur . The starting point was to create brand name for the art of fur and fur ready under the name "GreekFur" and implement a reliable system for distribution and control of the label "GreekFur". Created by local unions of fur and the Chamber of Kastoria and supported by the Greek State.
Administrative Council

Hellenic Fur Federation
The Fur Federation is the secondary union body the fur industry and similar organizations, both in Greece and the European Union, and throughout the world.
The Fur Trade Federation was founded in February 1991 and the creation is the result of a collective request for the existence of an official body that collectively represented the fur and the production center of Western Macedonia, beyond the confines of local Associations.
It is the most important representative of the fur industry in Greece, Europe and worldwide. The primary members are:
- Kastorian fur assosiation "The Prophet Elias"
- Siatistas fur and fur dealers assosiation "The Prophet Elias"
- Argos Orestiko and Vicinity fur assosiation
- Hellenic Association of fur
- Panhellenic Association Fur Breeders
- Finished Goods Retailers Association Fur "Castor"
which number hundreds of member companies and their activity relates to the business environment of the industry, which is sited in the Western Region. Macedonia, with the bulk concentration in Kastoria, Siatista, Argos Orestes, Galatini, the region of Kastoria, the Province Voio and Servia of Kozani and Grevena part.
The above geographical area is regulated designated for development activities relating to the fur industry, such as the creation and installation of fur breeding farm , the food production plants , rendering, tanning and other treatment fur, the establishment and installation units manufacturing fur garments and fur shops and exhibition - sale finished.
The Greek Fur Federation is a member of the International Federation of Fur (International Fur Trade Federation), the most important, global, industry body the fur, with headquarters in London and members of the thirty-six (36) National Federations Members from all over the world, representing a huge number of natural and legal persons, which constitute the final consumers and other stakeholders who are indirectly or directly, the business environment of the fur industry, worldwide.
The purpose of Greek Fur Federation is the identification and recording of problems facing the industry and its members, to promote these finding and implementing such solutions, the interests of the productive center of Western Macedonia, improving the competitiveness of the produced collective product, enlargement and improvement of market share, network for fur, with the involvement of other actors. To achieve this, continuously collects information, seeking partnerships, develop business plans, participate in working groups and organize events for the industry of fur.